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Choose the Nissei NA 6888 Duo Champion Combi, to surprise customers even more. Two different flavours of ice cream can be served from this machine. Take advantage of the season and add strawberry, chocolate or yoghurt ice cream to the assortment for a change. Also with milkshakes there is a variety of choices. With four different flavours, there is always a shake that suits the moment.

Special flavours ensure more profit and using the three tap Duo Champion Combi, all sorts of ice cream can be made easily. Making a milkshake with this machine is not complicated either. With one push on the button a delicious cool drink is ready. The Duo Champion Combi offers plenty of choice for customers and also an even higher turnover for ice cream and milkshake sales.

Technical specifications

Cat 75 + 55 liters per hour
Content Freezer cylinder: 3,4 + 2,5 L
Tank 2 x 20 KG mixtank with dasher
Pump Turo XL mix/airpump
Pasteurizing Yes
Maintenance Disassemble and clean 1x per 6 weeks
Dimensions L 150 x W 65 x D 90 cm
Capacity 4,5 kwh, 400V
Coolingwater Ca. 90m3 water-cooling consumption per year
Weight 290 KG

Product variations

Product code NA6888 DUO CHAMPION COMBI
Cooling Water-cooled
Power 4,5 kwh, 400V


Product name NA6888 DUO CHAMPION COMBI
Type Product sheet
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The Nissei Soft-Serve machines

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